Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ol Blue Eyes

Our lady is getting bigger, and louder now.  So many pictures to choose from.  Is it just me, or does this 2nd picture look a lot like a certain Swantz Girl we know?  Those eyes look just like Madison to me!

To the Victor Go the Spoils

His Majesty has been practicing on his throne.  it has been such a long process for us, and the usual incentives haven't worked.  M&Ms were not enough, so we've pulled out the big guns.  Jack was promised big presents that he REALLY WANTED if he could actually perform on the toilet.  Here's our king with his spoils:  a ball throwing stick he's been eyeing at the dog park, and Big Johnny, his new fish.  We're lucky that jack didn't ask for a dog to go along with his stick.  Next challenge: aiming.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tummy Time

It has been a long few months, but it's time to post some new pictures of the kids. Grace is starting to hold up her head, and even starting to smile. Check out these.   

Farmer Jack

Jack and Grandpa Honey have been working hard at work. Grandpa has so many projects to get done that he has taught Jack to run the tractor. Now Grandpa can get back to working on the plumbing while Jack does the digging.

His Cowboy Joe baseball cap from Grandma Linda and Poppa John is the perfect addition to his uniform.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Thanks to Uncle Phil, Jack has cast off his beloved Thomas the Train PJ's. Tonight he watched the Olympics sporting his new look.

But it doesn't mean he'll stop playing with Thomas.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Princess Grace Meets Princess Leia

Grace met Violet when she was only 12 hours old. Violet was wonderful enough to come to the hospital, even though she had just spent the previous night camping and catching fish. But on Sunday she was all cleaned up and ready to hold the baby, with some help from Mom. Can't wait for Grace to learn all Violets princess knowledge. Although, I don't know if a smile like Violet's is something you can teach. Gorgeous.

Grace, however, isn't prepared to follow Violet around and dote on her yet. Thank goodness Jack is willing to fill those shoes.

"I, Danger."

We're waiting for the other shoe to drop, but Jack is still in love with "Gace". Last night he didn't want to put on his PJ's for bed, so I used our newest reward system. Some kids respond to food bribes, others to promises of stories or watching a video. While all those appeal to our man, nothing quite compares to helping change Grace's diaper. "If you get on your jammies, you can sit on the bed and help with Grace's diaper." So he flew into his bedroom, put on his PJ's without fuss, and then ran into the bedroom to grab a tiny diaper, clothes and the changing pad. What a champ.

When he gets on the bed he holds Grace's hand if she cries, and pats her on the head. He very quietly says, "I gentle, Jack gentle". Unfortunately, with his sometimes less than perfect pronounciation it comes out a little different. Matt and I swear that, if you listen carefully, and ignore that angelic smile he has he is actually saying, "I, danger. Jack, danger."

Friday, August 1, 2008

It is cruel to dress a 5-day old girl in a frilly cherry outfit, so why not heap on the humiliation by posting the most candid shots on our blog. Princess Harvey in all her glory.

Helmet Hat

Jack has just learned the difference between a hat and a helmet. He likes watching the cyclists go by and point out all their "safe helmets". So the natural progression is JACK NEEDS HIS OWN HELMET. I ran around the house trying to find something that looked enough like a helmet that he would be convinced. I called Matt at work in the frenzy asking for his advice about a helmet...and his brilliant answer was a colander.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

GRACE! part 8

Jack is such an awesome older brother. He reads Busy Town to her, and he shows her his drawings. He's still getting the whole kissing thing down, but so far he's been very gentle and considerate. My favorite thing is watching Grace's facial expression as her big brother tears around the house screaming. You can see the moment of clarity that this is going to be her life going forward. Good stuff...

GRACE! part 7

Grace is a new girl each morning. This is day three (July 28), and we're heading home! She has already transformed herself into a grumpy old lady.

GRACE! part 6

Family reunion

According to tradition, Grandma Linda and Grandma Georgia collaborated to create Grace's quilt. As you can see, its fits our family theme.

GRACE! part 5

Herein is the first meeting between our children. Jack took a long look at his sister, then explained their size comparison. Jack is big, Grace is "leeeeeeetle!".... Then he showed her all his toys. (Check out Jenn...she had Grace twelve hours before these photos!)

GRACE! part 4

"Baby vacation" at the hospital...

GRACE! part 3


A very large man named Michael gave Grace her first bath. He was so gentle with her, even though she practically fit in his hand. For those of you familiar with our bald baby Jack, we were very surprised that Grace had enough hair to comb (and part).